Sunday, May 27, 2012

Mommy and the camera

Being that it is Sunday and Chris is working. It is just me and little buddy. We got dolled up for church today. When we got home I took his vest and church pants off to change his diaper. I just couldn't take off his cute purple dress shirt and matching tie. So I threw some jeans on him and some casual shoes and the kid reminded me of Ted Mosby from How I Met Your Mother. So I tousled his hair a bit and got the camera out.

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Witte Museum

Saturday we got together with Matt, Nicole and Lexi for a trip to a museum here in town. None of us had been to the Witte before. We weren't sure what this museum was about. We were pleasantly surprised to find it is very family friendly. We most likely will go back soon.
Taking Mr. Steer for a test drive.

He wanted to be a part of the show

She loves her tongue.

Little Lexi just woke up.

This was an old fashion sewing demonstration

Best view is from the top

It's a trend

My little gawker.

Had no more pose left.

The boys

It's a bird.....

Is that your tongue again Lexi?

That's "H" for Hudson

This was a blast! Riding a bike on a tight rope.

Thoughts on a holiday weekend.

It's so nice to have 3 day weekend once in awhile. I know this holiday has a special meaning behind it. Most of us look forward to hanging out with family and friends, eating great food and getting some sun. I don't come from a military background. My Grandfather was in the service years and years ago, before my mother was born. Aside from that I haven't had close friends involved in an active military life. Having moved to San Antonio, I have come to respect the families and people who are a great big part of why we are able to live the way we do. I am grateful to the men and women who serve our country. I am also grateful for the sacrifices their families make by letting go of a father, mother, child, or sibling while these people fight hard to protect us. Many of us don't like what is going on in government or feel that our leaders are letting us down. In many ways I could agree, however life could be much more difficult. Whether or not you agree with everything going on, remember that there are still people giving their life for us. Lets take a minute and pray for these people and their families. Happy Memorial Day