Saturday, July 23, 2011

My husband is well on his way to being a professional.

My sister-in-law, Candace asked us to take some family photos for her. We started in the garage studio and then went to Wheeler Farms. Chris has a great eye for lighting. Here are a few:

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Our little man is getting so big.

He's getting big so fast. The older and bigger he gets the easier he is to handle!
So I guess I can't complain. I'll just have to take more pictures along the way.
That way I'll be able to remember all of his stages better.

He wants to stand most of the time now. Although he can't pull himself
up yet,  he won't bend his legs when we try to set him on the floor.

He tried out his new bigger car seat today in dad's car. I can say that might make a huge
difference in our road trips. 

This kid loves to eat! We have started to make our own homemade baby food!
It's actually a lot of fun. Hudson seems to enjoy the homemade stuff, so I think we'll keep that up.

I have been taking Hudson to the pool on most of my days off. I think it's pretty good people
watching for me and him.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I finally pulled some photos off my phone......

New fun stuff to post. Ready>>>>>>?

Here's Hudson chillin out relaxin on dad.

Trying on his moccasins.
Pulling faces

Trying on my fedora and my owl hat.  Looking all chill in my bouncer.

 Spending more time with Sissy. We miss her. We wish she could stay longer.

 At the park and on the front lawn. Nautica will just sit in the grass with Hudson and they'll watch the cars go by.

This was Hudson's first time sitting unassisted. Nautica is posing in the back saying, "look, no hands"!

Little buddy's first time sitting in the cart like a big boy! He loves it like this and won't have it any other way now!

Hudson is getting a little better in sacrament meeting.
One of my favorite pics of this kid. He just looks so sweet and innocent here.
Here is dad getting his first pedicure.
When mom's away..... Daddy gives baby red vines! hahaha YUMMY!

Mommy finally found some time to make herself a new dress. (10:00pm -1:00am)

Hudson had another hair cut! Second one so far. He sat on dad's lap outside and didn't seem to mind the clippers.

Unfortunately we didn't get any actions shots of the haircut. As you can imagine it takes both of us to get it done.

It's always fun when you discover something that will distract to kid for awhile!

Well, there you have it. The last couple of weeks of our lives in a nut shell. Stay tuned, there's always more to come. Pretty soon this rug rat will be mobile and we'll have to baby proof this place and I'm sure he'll create some stories for us to share.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

We finally decided.

It's been in the works for awhile. We've had a green light on our sealing for sometime now, but we haven't been able to plan much for several reasons. We had thought about getting sealed in the L.A. temple but with Chris out of work it's not doable. So we thought we should stay local and go to one of the local temples here in Utah. (so many to choose from) So we decided............

The Draper Utah temple
We've set our date for July 30th 2011. Some of our family with have to travel, but we are excited to be an eternal family. It will be special to have Hudson there with us too.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Maybe turning a corner?

Hudson slept in his crib every night this week except for last night. He slept thru the night 3 of those nights. I was extra excited last night because I put him down while he was still awake and he didn't make a peep before he fell asleep on his own.

I tend to stay up late while he sleeps to get somethings done that I can't get to while he's demanding all of our time. Last night I stayed up late working on a dress that I have had in the works for weeks. I got done and went to bed around 1:30 a.m.  Hudson woke up and 3:00 a.m. and I wrestled with him in our bed for the rest of the night.

Poor Chris worked until 4 something this morning. He woke up to me holding my iphone  Hudson's direction so he could watch Yo Gabba Gabba, while I tried to node off again. (kid loves that show)

It's not great yet but I keep reminding myself.......... B a b y  s t e p s........

Sunday, July 3, 2011


This is out of control!!! I can't do it anymore. This kid is too much for me! The crying, the fussing, the not sleeping............... The waking every two hours through the night. Was he sent here to torture me? I can't make him happy........ What am I doing wrong?????????? I can't find peace. I suffer and everyone around me suffers because of it...... I'm spiraling out of control of my own life. Chris doesn't deserve this and maybe someone else can handle my son........ PLEASE HELP ME GET TROUGH THIS! When I do get time alone I just cry............. I work and come home to this. Chris gets some time during the week when the kid is at the sitter while I'm at work. What do I get? I don't dare leave this kid with any other sitter so I can get a break and Chris wants time with me too. I can't keep up the house or my appearance. The lack of sleep drives me to eat more and the hot weather drives me to do very little otherwise! The weather here is of little help to anyone suffering emotionally. We go from gray and cold to gray and rain to scorching HOT. Who want to go outside or get anything done............ I hate this, I hate all of this. It's been six months........ What was I ever thinking, I would do this all over again?????? I don't blame my husband for his frustrations with me! I'M FRUSTRATED WITH ME!!!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

This is too cute!

Brooklynn, my cousin's little girl is about 6 months older than Hudson but they are so close in size. Here they are interacting. We thought it was pretty cute and I had the camera close by, so here you go....

Six months old now.

 Hudson is getting so big so fast. He sits up all by himself now. As you can see he has tons of hair. We've already had to trim it. He is eating solid foods and loving anything we put in his mouth. We stopped giving him the medications for his reflux. He seems to be okay without it. He's still a pretty cranky little fella. We think that might be due to teething and maybe an ear infection.

He's trying to help me type right now. He still want to be held too much. He spends half of the night in our bed, and nursing every two hours at night. That really cramps mom's style!

We can't help but love this little monster. We tend to call him many things: Mr. Crab man, Little monster, Mr. Chubbers. Just to name a few.

Nautica was with us for 4 weeks. We are going to miss her terribly. Hudson loves her. She seems to know just what to do to change his little mood. We love you Nautica!