Sunday, February 26, 2012

Confessions of working mom.......

My In-laws are coming to stay with us next Saturday. With my husbands schedule and my new job combined with a toddler, this house has gone to pot. I wanted to get as much done this weekend as possible since I'm useless after work most days. We purchased a new bed for our room. When it arrives we'll be moving our current bed in to the guest room/home office. Cutting that close eh? With their anticipated arrival I really needed to get a hold of the basic chores. Emphasize BASIC!

I got out the vacuum and started on the living room. Shaking rugs out side and sweeping the tile. I swept the tile, ran the vacuum on the lowest setting and started mopping with a mop. I still had to go over the whole thing on my hands and knees. In the end I swept one more time. I can't explain how much tile we have in this house. Maybe I'll just show you.

I post this in hopes to steer my mother away from using this much tile for her renovation. It looks great clean, but as I mentioned before, sweeping and vacuuming and mopping with mop and mopping on hands and knees and.......sweeping one more time! Are you sure mom?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My handy husband's handy work

We had a pink tub in the living room for little buddy's toy bin. I was getting sick of the eye sore and was looking around for a basket with a lid for this purpose. I was having trouble finding what I was looking for within a reasonable price.
Enter Handy Husband....

Chris decided he would just save me the trouble and make one. These photos document the process.

 Not bad for scrap wood eh? At first Chris asked me if we wanted to paint it or if I had any other ideas. Then out of nowhere he had a "light bulb" idea.

He came home with a stack of papers he had printed off at work. (with the kind permission of the business center) He had found images of old car ads and vintage looking signs and decals. We spent some time carefully cutting them out.

Then came the arrangement of said decals....

Once the box was fully covered, he proceeded to shellac the entire box. He added decals to the bottom side of the lid as well. He also thought we should put feet on the toy boy. I wanted to paint the feet but we had a hard time deciding what to match the feet to. When we decided to pad the lid we weren't sure what to cover the padding with.

Then we went to the fabric store we found some blue vinyl on the discount table. Boom! Like that, we had decided what to cover the lid and matched the feet to that color.

It's coming together nicely. The longest part was the drying of coats of varnish. We (I) had to have patience. Alas, he was able to attach the lid to the chest.
Then to move it on into the house and fill it up!

I don't know about you but I think it looks much better than that pink tub!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Pinterest inspiration...

I found this idea and wanted to put a little pin in it for later. I use lanyards for work and thought it would be fun to give to co-workers or just have a variety for myself. Anyway, I pinned this to Pinterest, thinking I could go to it anytime and review the pattern. WRONG. The website I found it on apparently only puts projects up for so long. So all I was left with was the a picture above. Courtesy of

So, I still wanted to make one for a co-worker. (I kinda promised her one) I pulled out an old one and measured it and took the metal clip off of it....

Contrast on of the other side.
I hope she likes it. I might just make some more. They are not super hard. You just need a really strong needle.

Daddy's birthday

Still working on our wave.

He loves the Yo Gabba Gabba characters

Mamma trying to teach him to point

Nope, keep trying

Senior Chris

All while the staff sang a birthday song!