Sunday, April 15, 2012

2012 Lone Star Round Up

Chris lived in San Antonio before he move to Utah to find a wife. So he knows this area pretty well. There are a few things he did in the area that he's always talked about doing again. One of those things is going to the Lone Star Round Up. It's a HUGE car show just outside of Austin.

We got all dolled up Saturday morning and jumped in the car. This place was huge! Cars everywhere! Tattooed people everywhere. Vendors galore with tons of over priced knock off vintage apparel. Fun to browse but not to buy! The weather was windy but the cool breeze made it rather tolerable. We took little buddy's wagon. He liked being pulled around but a few times he pulled the wagon himself!

Here are some pics and a video from our journey....

on a stroll in the vendor area.

He took a liking to daddy's soda water bottle

making friends with the Greazerz manikin

When he gets older we will be getting him his own cover-alls from this place!

Does monkey need a drink?

Taking a break with monkey

He even got a koozie for his bottle.

I know there are mostly pics of my kid! I can't help it! Look how cute he is!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

6+ months in TX

I got to thinking about it today. It's been just over 6 months since we moved here! Crazy! I'm still adjusting. Some days I think, "I'm okay, this move wasn't that bad." Then there are other day I realize just how much of my life is new. I've been married under three years, we have a 15 month old son, I live in a new state, and I have a brand new job I'm still trying to get used to.

In someways I embrace the fact that I am a Gemini. (sign of the twin) I sometimes think I feel two different ways about things. So yes, in ways I am still struggling with the move ,but in many ways the move has gone very well!

I'm not on top of things like I used to be. Easter is here and I barely did anything for it. I did buy my son a new outfit to wear to church and that is about it! We just put a roast in the crock pot. We invited Matt and Nicole over because the are right smack in the middle of a move. Happy Easter to us!

We attempted church, again. Our son just takes it out of us. It's a total wrestle through the Sacrament. We then decided to listen to the rest of the meeting in the hall. He started to throw a tired fit out there. Then we called it! We're OUT OF HERE! We tried right?

Here's to taking life ONE DAY AT A TIME!    LIFE IS A JOURNEY!