Friday, September 23, 2011

Discovery mode.

While packing and moving I have discovered a few things.

1. I am able cram many things into one room. (i.e. my Sewing/craft/pantry/laundry/water heater room)

2. We have run out of space in the PODS. This makes me sad. Now I have to decide what to leave behind.

3. For having dogs we are not as dirty as I though we'd be. (this will make life better when I start cleaning this place)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

9 month check up

Little buddy is 9 months on the 28th. I thought it would be good to get him a check up before we leave town. He's 27 inches long and 21 1/2 pounds now. He's still got a good sized melon too. He got his first flu shot today. (For infants they break it up into 2 parts.) Chris and I joined in on the flu shot fun today. They don't usually bother me, just makes my arm sore the next day.

The Doc asked us how things were going and by the look on our faces alone he read right into our situation. (It was somewhere between the tears welling up in my eyes and tired expression on Chris' face) We explained our frustrations as little buddy squirmed across both our laps. Long story short we are back on Prevacid. I'm praying that helps with the throwing up at least. It would be nice if it also took the whiny edge off too. We start that in the morning.

My sister Tara stopped by tonight to see us and the baby for a bit. It's so nice to have someone else hold him so Chris and I can continue to pack. I had to take the babe and leave around 10:00 am this morning just so Chris could continue to work on things.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Has it hit me yet?

People are just finding out about our move and I hear, "how come I'm just now learning about this?" Ha ha. silly people, I just learned of it too! This is all happening so fast! I'm afraid it might not really hit me until I'm alone in the car somewhere in New Mexico. I'm sure the emotional melt down is coming. Just now sure when.

I applied online for a random hospital in San Antonio, just to see if I get a nibble! I know I'm good at what I do, but how to you get that across in online applications? I need to hunker down and get a real resume together one of these days.....

The PODS showed up today. We have a week to get our life in that create.

I take Hudson in for his 9 month check up tomorrow. I wish there was something the doctor could do to magically fix this kid's irritability.  I love him so, but he is sooooooooooo HARD!

All in all we are still holding it together for now.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Moving update.

So far we have many boxes covering the house and garage. My sewing room is gone. In fact I sold the desk and hutch I was using as a sewing station. Thank you! My cousin Melanie came down from Layton today with her kids. They entertained Hudson while the kitchen was packed up! The POD will be delivered on Tuesday. It will be picked up and shipped on the following Tuesday. All the while we need to get a "moving sale" in at some point. I sent Mel home with several things. She is now the proud owner of my house plants and my beloved king sized Levi quilt. It's quite big and heavy. Her family camps out a lot. I know she'll use it and love it well! My last day at work will be the 28th. It's so bitter sweet. I'm going to miss my friends and doctors at work but I am excited to embark on this new adventure in our family's lives. We will be heading south to swing through St. George and see Nautica and my family before we leave for good. That's going to be so tough! Not as tough as the "l o n g" drive with Hudson will be! We made sure to get a car adapter for my portable DVD player. I'm sure I will be Yo Gabba Gabba'd out of my mind before we reach our destination.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Looks like it's time to go.........

I was at work today when I got a text from Chris saying he was offered the job in Texas. I called him immediately. He asked, when do you think we can be down there? They want me right away.


Stay tuned......

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Baking with the Torres girls.

We did a babysitting trade with Betsy this weekend. She took Hudson for us on Friday so Chris and I could go out. In turn we took her 5 kids for a few hours so she and Kim could go out. The boys played video games in the garage. The girls were a little harder to entertain. I asked if they wanted to dress up in my aprons and bake cookies. Yes. Yes. Yes. They jumped up and down in excitement as the picked out their aprons. They were so cute about it. They stood on a chair together and "helped" me add the ingredients to the mixer.

Little baker Jane

Little baker Lena

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Look at my two handsome boys!

We were headed out the other day to the farmer's market in South Jordan. Hudson looks adorable in his hats and I couldn't resist a quick snap shot!

We found two cluprits!

Hudson has been a monster lately. We took him to Bear Lake then Jetted off to Texas. For awhile we thought he was just off his schedule. He's been miserable. In Texas he wouldn't sleep. We got home and he had a nasty cold. Even after the cold passed he couldn't seem to stand life at all.

Look close. HIS TWO BOTTOM TEETH are in.

On another note. I stopped breastfeeding when we returned from Texas. I didn't have much milk anymore and Hudson got to the point he could care less. (probably because he wasn't getting much) The other night when I came home from work around midnight and he was still up. I sent Chris to bed and thought, "he'll go down soon". This kid was up past 1:30 in the morning. So I thought maybe he'll settle down if I offer to breast feed. He latched on and calmed down alright......... Then he BIT ME!


Saturday, September 3, 2011